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[Closed] Welcome to the Club!

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Joined: 6 years ago
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Welcome to the Super Secret Jeep Club, your one stop shop for all things Jeep! Our goal here is to provide a place for people to discuss everything about their Jeep’s with other like minded folks. A community! Here we will learn about our vehicles, upgrades, product reviews, trail runs, land use, camping, cooking, and everything else that can be done your Jeep!

Why is it a secret? It’s really not, it’s a joke. We are open to anyone – but we do caution you. We do not have a filter. We are sarcastic and not politically correct. Parental guidance is suggested. Big Boy pants required. If you are easily triggered, routinely get upset when you receive criticism, or just often find yourself but hurt… then this might not be a place for you. If you can handle honest, respectful conversation though then read on… and welcome to the club!

Is this a real club? Well sure, i mean it says so right in the web site name right? <Told you we are sarcastic… you’ve been warned>. No, this isn’t a club. This is a web site, we wont have dues, or meetings, but we will have events, and we do support real clubs, such as Those Guys Off Road. A lot of us belong to multiple clubs so while this is not a real jeep club… we get and support the club thing. In fact we are the official unofficial, super secret home of Those Guys Off Road. Check us out in the forum, and if your club needs a place to host a forum, reach out to me, we can help!

But I don’t have a Jeep!?!?!? Oh, my bad, beg my pard… again, it’s a joke and part of our sarcastic side. We don’t really care what you wheel, just so long as you understand you should have bought a Jeep. #sarcasm! Honestly, several of us have owned all kinds of rigs and quite a few of us still have Yota’s, and Sami’s, and maybe even a Scout or 3. While this site will always have a strong love for Jeep’s, we don’t mind Yotar… I mean Toyota drivers joining up for the fun, hell we even let Ford drivers in here!

Is this a store? Whats with the shop? Our goal over time to be able to not only provide a place for honest, real world product reviews, but also a simple, easy one stop “shop” that you can also buy those goodies through. We’ll see how it goes, we don’t aim to get rich off this, but this does cost money and we do have bills (aka Jeep parts) to pay for. While we won’t always have the lowest price we do hope to have competitive pricing and hope you can help support our community.

Why this? Why not just Facebook? Facebook is… well its a good thing I suppose, but this a place specifically designed for us to discuss our vehicles, our life, our thoughts on gear, our tech… without all the other Facebook nonsense. besides, forums are easier to navigate, offer some anonymity, and allow you to relax without worrying about what your non-wheeling facebook friends may think of your unfiltered thoughts.

OK, but why didn’t that Jeep wave at me? Ok, so… I know I said all things Jeep, but this is one of those things we wont be discussing. Take that shit to Facebook. If you want to discuss the Jeep wave or lack there of, they got tons of places for you to do that. Here we will discuss tech, gear, product reviews, places to wheel, places not to wheel, and how to protect our right to party! (IE: Land use). *We reserve the right to ridicule openly and publicly those who still chose to worry about the wave.

Is this a store? Can I buy that here? Well, how much you got? I kid I kid..

Sounds good – whats the catch? OK so you’re in. A place to have honest unfiltered conversation with fellow wheelers, sounds good, and you want to know more? Read on… How much does it cost? Nothing, nada, zip… zero. 100% gratis. What we do ask though is that you play nicely (don’t be a dick just to be a dick), provide input (feed the content kitty :meow:), and help spread the site. This is 100% crowd sourced, grass roots, spread by those in the know… and now you know, so help spread the word!

Thanks for checking out our site, if you have any questions let em rip in the comments or reach out via PM or email. This is a community and we appreciate your help in growing our community!
